Albany State University Center for Educational Opportunity Hosts Teacher Leader Discussion on Promoting Racial Equity and Social Justice in the Classroom
What: A Discussion on Promoting Racial Equity and Social Justice in the Classroom
When: Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Time: 7 p.m.
Where: Online – Register to receive Zoom link
Join us on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, at 7 p.m., for a conversation with two nationally recognized Teachers of the Year — Dr. Lee Ann Stephens and Mr. Abdul Wright — as they explore teaching racial equity and social justice in the classroom.
This is the second in a series of conversations to emerge from the publication of the white paper: A Sacred Space: 12 Expert Teachers Share Stories of Resilience, Success and Leadership, sponsored by the Albany State University Center for Educational Opportunity.
About the Presenters
Dr. Lee-Ann Stephens, Minnesota Teacher of the Year 2006, has been an educator for 30 years with K-12 teaching and leadership experience. She currently serves as a teacher on special assignment with St. Louis Park Schools in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, as a Racial Equity and Instructional Coach. She is an affiliate with Pacific Educational Group: Courageous Conversations about Race. She serves as an Inclusion Advisor for Integrated Schools and an advisor for Students Organized for Anti-Racism. She holds a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership. Her scholarship focuses on the needs of Black and Brown students in Advanced Placement classes.
Mr. Abdul Wright is an eighth grade Language Arts teacher and Instructional Coach and Data Team leader in North Minneapolis. He received the Minneapolis PeaceMaker award from the City of Minneapolis in 2015, received “ the You’ve Made a Difference” award from Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in 2015 and 2016, and is the recipient of the 2016 Minnesota Teacher of the Year award, the first black male to receive the award, the youngest, and the first from a charter school. In 2018, Mr. Wright was identified as a Minnesota African American Heritage Award Honoree. He also serves as the board chair of Mastery Charter School in North Minneapolis.
Reserve your space today on Eventbrite and bring a friend.
Use the hashtag #ASacredSpace
Target audience: Educators, Policymakers, Parents